10 Best No Equipment Metabolic Exercises for Women

metabolic exercises

Those stubborn fat cells, amirite?! As much as we say that age is a number (and for the most part, it really is), our bodies are gonna disagree, as much as I hate to admit it. I hate exercising as much as the next burnt out millennial, however as we age, I’m starting to understand why it is so important to incorporate metabolic exercises into our workout routines. 

We have compiled 10 of the most effective metabolic workouts for the whole body below if you have no equipment at home and no time. Get that burn in less than 30 minutes. I mean, who really wanna work out for 2 hours anyway? 

Read on to find out, and bookmark this page for future reference!

Why Metabolic Exercises Are Important As We Age

As we grow with time, focusing on metabolic conditioning is key for supporting fat loss, muscle development, bone density retention, and heart health. As estrogen levels decline with age, women naturally tend to store more fat around the midsection.

Resistance training that engages multiple large and small muscle groups simultaneously can help reduces fat stores. Meanwhile, the muscle added will raise basal metabolic rate. This allows you to burn a higher number of calories at rest.

Metabolic exercises are exceptionally beneficial for older adults because they help counteract many of the common effects of aging. Here’s how they help some key issues:

Loss of Muscle Mass – We lose 3-5% of muscle mass per decade after age 30 due to sarcopenia. The high exertion of metabolic exercises signals your body to maintain muscle. It’s key for preserving strength.

Decreased Mobility – As we age, everyday functions like getting up from a chair become harder with loss of flexibility. plyometrics and squats/lunges in metabolic circuits preserve mobility.

Weight Gain – Many adults gain fat and see their metabolism slow after 40. The intense calorie burn and spike to your metabolic rate helps boost fat loss and offset age-related weight gain.

Osteoporosis & Bone Density Loss – Jumping moves, sprint bursts, and plyometrics place beneficial weight bearing stresses on bones which can help improve bone mineral density and offset or delay osteoporosis.

Cardiovascular Decline – Our aerobic capacity and VO2 max decline over time. The heart-pumping intervals in metabolic training build cardiovascular fitness to counteract that downward trend.

Energy Level Declines – Many report low energy and fatigue more easily in later decades. The endorphin release and challenging nature of metabolic training fights vitamin deficiencies leading to declines in energy.

In essence, targeted age-related effects like muscle wastage, cardiovascular decline, mobility limitation, and metabolic slowing make metabolic training an excellent way for older adults to preserve health. 

Benefits of Metabolic Exercises 

Why you should make metabolic training part of your regular workout routine:

  • Burns more calories and fat than typical strength or cardio workouts alone
  • Increases lean muscle mass even as you lose body fat
  • Raises basal metabolic rate so you burn calories long after exercise
  • Improves cardiovascular health and endurance
  • Strengthens bones helping prevent osteoporosis
  • Enhances balance, mobility, and agility
  • Reduces injury risk compared to high impact exercises
  • Adds challenge to spice up boring routines
  • Easily modifiable for any fitness level

Different Types of Metabolic Exercises 

Depending on your personal fitness goals, you may wanna mix things up. There are different types of exercises, including but not limited to: compound, full-body, isolation, traditional weight training and cardiovascular workouts. 

There is no such thing as a “best” workout as it really depends on what you want to achieve. The best exercises with help us with effective fat burn, leading to eventual weight loss. 

Unlike cardio exercises which primarily work larger muscle groups, metabolic workouts are for building muscle through multi-joint movements. This increases overall calorie burn while toning the body.

1. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT workouts alternate short bursts of intense exercise with short recovery periods. A typical session involves 5 -10 minute intervals of high exertion exercises like sprints, jump squats or battle ropes done at 80-90% max effort, interspersed with 1-3 minutes of low intensity active rest periods.

Aim: Spike metabolism and elevate calorie/fat burn by sustaining elevated heart rate.

Benefits: Dramatically increases cardiovascular capacity. Burns more fat than steady state cardio. Continues fat burning for hours post-workout.

2. Weight or Resistance Training

Resistance training utilizes bodyweight, free weights, machines or resistance bands to work muscles against external load. Lifting heavier weights for 8-15 reps stimulates muscle growth. Workouts target all major muscle groups 2-3 days/week.

Aim: Build metabolically active lean muscle mass.

Benefits: Increases basal metabolic rate so you burn more calories at rest. Research shows lifting weights is one of the best ways for women to lose weight and body fat percentage. Prevents age-related muscle loss.

3. Metabolic Circuit Training

Metabolic circuits incorporate full-body strength moves with cardio intervals done back-to-back with minimal rest. Exercises like battle rope slams, rower sprints, thrusters, jump lunges etc are combined to keep heart rate elevated while integrating resistance.

Aim: Maximize caloric expenditure by alternating muscle groups worked.

Benefits: Efficient and effective workout burning 400-600 calories in 30 minutes. Combining strength training with cardio leads to greater fat loss. Continues burning calories for hours post-workout. Enhances muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

The common thread is these metabolic training styles utilize short duration high intensity bursts, full body movements, and minimal rest periods to increase excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This helps your body stay in fat burning mode well after the workout ends.

Keeping in mind that some of you may not have regular gym access or fancy equipment at home, we only listed the best of no-equipment effective metabolic workouts, using only your body weight. 

Here are some of our favourite metabolic compound exercises for key muscle groups:

Lower Body:
metabolic exercises squats

1. Squats: Get into a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing front. Send hips back, bending knees until thighs parallel to floor. Engage core. Explode back up to start position, squeezing glutes. Works quads, hamstrings, glutes.

Split squat

2. Split Squats: Stand with right foot forward, other back on ball of left foot. Slowly lower left knee straight down towards floor keeping weight in front heel. Push through front right leg back to start. Works quads and glutes.

jump lunge

3. Jump Lunge: Step one leg diagonally behind opposite leg, crossing it behind. Bend both knees lowering down until the back knee hovers above floor. Return to start. Hits inner/outer thighs, glutes. 

Upper Body:
metabolic exercises - Plank Shoulder Taps

4. Plank Shoulder Taps: In plank position with straight line from heels to head, lift one hand to tap same-side shoulder. Return to plank & alternate sides. Works core, shoulders, triceps.

metabolic exercises - push ups

5. Push Ups: Place hands directly under shoulders, legs out straight balancing on toes. Keeping torso braced, lower chest towards ground until elbows at 45 degrees. Press back up. Works pecs, shoulders, triceps. 

metabolic exercises - V ups

6. V-ups: Lie on back, arms/legs long hovering above floor. Simultaneously crunch upper body as you lift legs. Reach hands towards toes without pulling on neck. Hits abs. Use a pair of dumbbells to reach toes for added intensity.

metabolic bycicle crunches

7. Bicycle Crunches: Lie flat, knees bent over hips, hands lightly touch head. Lift shoulders initiating crunch while bringing opposite elbow to knee cycling continuously. Works obliques.


8. Planking: Prop body up on forearms/toes keeping straight line from head to heels. Hold for time, focusing on proper alignment. Total body exercise strengthening core, especially your lower back. 

Total Body Combo:

9. Burpees: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lower into deep squat placing hands down. Thrust feet back into plank position. Hop feet back in, stand up with explosive jump straight overhead. Ultimate metabolic exercise.

metabolic exercises - mobile climbers

10. Mountain Climbers: In high plank position, brace core bringing one knee towards chest. Switch legs continuously simulating climbing motion. Spikes heart rate. Hits shoulders, hips, legs.

Things to Note about Metabolic Exercises

  • Really focus on using full range of motion with proper alignment.
  • Each set should be no less than 35 seconds of work and 25 seconds of rest time. Use an interval timer on your mobile phone.
  • Lift moderately heavy weights that max you out by 8-15 reps. 
  • Remember to always stretch after each workout to prevent muscle cramps, especially in your hip flexors. 

There are endless exercise combinations you can include to fire up metabolism. The key is keeping intensity high through fast transitions and maximal effort to maximize metabolic efficiency. Infuse creativity into your circuits to maximize calorie torching potential and combat workout boredom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What counts as a metabolic exercise?

A: Metabolic exercises are workouts that spike your heart rate in short bursts with little rest in between. Examples include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), tabata workouts, bodyweight circuits, compound strength moves with bands/weights at a fast pace, sprint intervals, and plyometrics.

Q: How often should you do metabolic workouts?

A: Aim for 2-3 metabolic workouts per week, with a rest day in between for recovery. Doing high-intensity metabolic training daily can lead to burnout and overtraining over time. Exercises should be done with proper form at a pace to sustain an elevated heart rate. Workouts may leave you tired, but should not cause pain or discomfort. Always listen to your body and take breaks as needed.

Q: How long do metabolic workouts need to be?

A: Metabolic sessions can range from as little as 4 minutes to up to 30-45 at most. A typical metabolic workout tends to last 15-25 minutes when including a quick warmup and cooldown. The short duration with maximum exertion is key. 

Q: Do metabolic exercises help with fat loss?

A: Yes! The intense exertion spikes EPOC (post exercise oxygen consumption) which means you’ll burn more calories after a metabolic workout versus a steady-state cardio session. More calories burned equals increased fat loss over time. Over time, continue varying your circuits to keep shocking your system. Combine metabolic resistance training with sensible nutrition for amplified effects.

Q: Can beginners do metabolic exercises?

A: Beginners can perform metabolic training as long as modifications are provided to match current fitness level. Scaling down intensity, going through the motions, taking breaks as needed, and using lighter weights/resistance bands allows beginners to work at an optimal metabolic pace.

If you’re impatient like me, making some lifestyle changes (diet, sleep routine etc) would help to accelerate the positive changes that you will no doubt see if you keep to it. 

You HAVE to be consistent. Just think of the body you will have as motivation for going through the motions. You’ll begin feeling leaner, stronger, and more energetic in no time. Make it a lifestyle and those heightened metabolism boosts will keep paying fitness dividends for years ahead! 

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

The Millennial Glow